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Unlock your live comedy channel now:

on the


Make comedy? Make comedy!
LIVE, public access comedy networks are now active in these states and countries!

When you activate your live comedy channel, you will add your state or country's directory page to the map!

Click into your local page to add accounts as a performer, show, stage, and more.

Or just

Select a state or country to view its homepage. 

Mass Hysteria

The World Comedy Foundation is committed to providing digital representation for live, local comedy in cities worldwide on the

  • A global, information superhighway for live, local comedy everywhere.

  • An interactive directory of comedy channels with all you need to know about comedians, comedy clubs and venues, comedy shows and mics, and comedy festivals and events.

  • A radical tool for engaging, sharing, collaborating with, and supporting live comedy and those who make it.​

  • New comedy news, publicity, and opportunities everywhere you look.


The map is currently displaying all states and countries! When we launch our campaign, we will hide all states and countries until we have members in those places!

Discover live comedy of all kinds.
Post and submit to talent bookings, festivals, and open mics.
Represent all of your comedy brands on devoted digital channels.
Send invitations, manage lists, and pollinate your comedy.
Add your comedy events to the annals of the World Comedy Foundation.
Pluralize the w3b.

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The World's Home for Live Comedy
on the Internet.

Who's on first?

Explore our directory of member-managed, live channels.

rainbow friends

Get on with your funny self.

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The World Comedy Web is a publicity network and global news source for live comedy.

It is designed to chronicle comedy so that comedians, fans, and comedy-adjacents can contribute and discover live comedy in dynamic and engaging new ways.


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We want to make it easier for comedians everywhere to organize around comedy where they live and succeed in comedy as a career as much as an art form!

And the web is so flipping cool you'll never believe it! Join now!

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join us in making the world comedy web basecamp for all of your comedy brands.
1) Create a Free Account
2) Explore the Platform
3) Make Us Your Web Browser's Home Page!!*


 *C'mon, is your home page really still Google? You know those guys are billionaires already, right? Reset your phone's mobile browser to to and give yourself a quick home button to smas hin your phoen browser  every time you want to edit your profile or check on comedy in your town. We also have TLDs that make storing and sharing your comedy with fans easy and H-O-T-T. 

Other platforms may let you sell tickets and post videos. Well, we have that, too. But we've also came up with something special just for comedians...

A world of our own.


You are going to have to be patient. This site was just made by a girl.  It doesn't have any billionaires behind it or anything like that. 

Plus, booking is a breeze
and you have everything you need to discover and be discovered.
Connect and collaborate.
Dish it out and dial it in.
Make comedy your thang.

Get on with your funny self.


An important note on file sharing: Compression helps save 3-5x of the space we need to host our content. The lighter we make this comedy starship, the more accessible it will be. Let's do our part to share our best photos using best practice: 1. Compress the photos you wish to upload 2. Name them with your name and search terms in the file name. 3. Upload them to the w3b & tag ya channels. Doing this will help your pages and pages that contain your media to rank on Google. All channels are sorted to display *most recently updated first*. Update your channels!

Ramptang forever.

rainbow friends

See how they run.

Activate your live comedy channel, display and send comedy invites, maintain a digital comedy press kit, submit for comedy bookings, manage comedy show and mic lists, cross-post comedy tour dates, capture and share comedy audiences, and solidify your brand as a known quantity in your local and regional comedy scenes. Subject to Terms and Availability. All platform use governed by the World Comedy Foundation and World Comedy Web End User License Agreement (EULA).

Join us on our mission to make live comedy accessible to everyone. ​

The World Comedy Foundation is invested in the global comedy community. We commit resources toward the equitable representation and radical, collective discovery of live comedy everywhere .

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1333 2nd St. #1123 Dayton, OH
(424) 275-7273


rainbow friends
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